Resizing a Hardcover Design [Patreon Sample]

Hello All!

Aside from my Card at Work videos available for the general public, I've been recording more of my real-world process as I work through various design problems with actual projects.  This time the session was short enough and the project simple enough that I thought it would be a good example of a typical recording:

In this session, I had to resize the cover of Do: Fate of the Flying Temple to new hardcover specs. However, the current dimensions were waaay different than the new dimensions provided by the printer. This video covers a few different photoshop techniques to make the resize as seamless as possible without losing any resolution.

- Layer Effects
- Gradient Layer Masks
- Layer Groups with Layer Effects

That's just this session. The other videos go into more detail about advanced InDesign techniques for even more real-world projects.  The entire archive of real-time sessions are available to all $10+ patrons.

I hope you find them useful! Please share freely! Thanks so much!


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