Femme Gamer reviews Happy Birthday, Robot!

Femme Gamer posted an overview of gaming-related generosity over the past few months. From the indie game bundle benefiting Doctors Without Borders to the video game bundle benefiting Child's Play. Auspicious company to say the least! And our little game managed to find a mention!

Back to the tabletop scene, Daniel Solis has been working with donors for his [Happy Birthday, Robot!] game on KickStarter It’s a brilliant idea! Again, donors can contribute to see the game published and receive special perks depending on the level of their donation. However, Daniel took it one step further. He decided to donate copies of [Happy Birthday, Robot!], to different gaming organizations, schools, and libraries across the world, because his original goal was exceeded very quickly. Once the book is published, he will be donating 3 books to the organization Kids Need to Game . He will also be spending copies of the book to ten different libraries and schools to help foster role-playing and storytelling in the classroom. This entire project has been backed by generous gamers across the world, and thanks to them as well as Daniel, students will be given the chance to play this game in their classroom.

Thanks for the post, Cassie!


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