June 2014 Sales Report

Each month, I share my sales numbers for my print-on-demand card games available from DriveThruCards. Here's June's performance!

After last month was pretty rough, I must admit. The third in a series of down-trending months from a small peak in March. But boy howdy did convention season turn things around. I held a deep sale during the duration of Origins, which you can read more about here. Those five days outsold the entire month of March!

Granted, those five days didn't out earn March because of the deep discounts, but I hoped the momentum of that sale would carry the remaining full-price products for the rest of the month. It sure did!

On top of that, I started my early bird discount program with Monsoon Market to encourage early buyers. From now on, any new products are going to be at a reduced price until the next new product release. That plus a lot of built up anticipation for Monsoon Market boosted June's numbers quite a bit. Take a look!

20x Koi Pond: A Coy Card Game +11
9x Koi Pond: Four Walls (Promo Card 2) +3
19x Koi Pond: Four Winds (Promo Card 1) +14
11x Koi Pond: Moon Temple +5
9x Suspense: the Card Game +2
13x Nine Lives Card Game +10
13x Penny Farthing Catapult +11
13x Regime +8
8x Ten Pen +3
5x Bird Bucks +1

18x Monsoon Market (new!)
138 Total Sold
$1,125.68 Gross Sales
$336.41 Earnings

Grand Totals for 2014 (to date)
939 Products Sold
$3,822.48 Gross Sales
$1,317.34 Earnings

So yup! Great numbers this month. I'm glad I didn't take a few months of negative growth as a sign to do something more drastic. All it took was a little sales promotion got many potential buyers off the fence.


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