Hey all, just wanted to give you a head's up that a second edition of Suspense will be coming next week as a part of the DriveThruCards Halloween promotion. Can you believe it's been a year since Suspense first came out? What's new in the second edition: Slightly different card size: euro poker instead of US poker. I've also updated the rules cards to follow the standard formatting of my more recent games. This includes rules for 4-6 players, which you can see a preview of below. VARIANT: 4-6 Players Setup: While setting up a round, shuffle cards from an extra deck of Suspense cards depending on the number of players. 4: Black 1 and 6. Red 1 and 6. 5: Black 1, 2, 5, and 6. Red 1, 2, 5, and 6. 6: Black 1–6. Red 1–6. END OF ROUND: The sum of numbers in play that triggers the end of the round depends on the number of players. 4: 27 5: 33 6: 40 SCORING: If multiple players win a round, all score points noted on their winning cards. END OF GAME: Continu...