
Showing posts from July, 2010

Flying off the Shelves!

That is Happy Birthday, Robot! On an actual game store shelf! Not just any game store either, but Endgame , which consistently sets a high bar for what a game store can be. Now here's the big news: All copies at Endgame sold out on the first day. The proprietor, Chris Hanrahan, was kind enough to send along some info about the buyers. - People buying it for there "as too young kids" so they could play it when they were older. - People buying it because this was a "first in class type of game, and they wanted a copy of it." (Meaning, they had never seen anything like it before, and wanted it in their collection. - One person very specifically interested in taking it to use and advise other people who home school their kids. It sounds like he worked for some type of collective who researches this type of thing, and then shares the information with other homeschool teachers. - People buying it as gifts for friends with kids. - People with kids old e...

Robot Dice Stickers

As you know, Happy Birthday, Robot! uses special dice called Robot Dice. Creating custom dice is a pretty expensive process, from production to shipping, so that was well outside of our budget. We figured out a possible alternative, though. That's a sheet of vinyl stickers to create your own Robot Dice out of your standard dice. These stickers are vinyl and weatherproof, for those times when you're out in the middle of the woods and you just HAVE to play Happy Birthday, Robot! These stickers are going out to pre-orderers who ordered a signed and numbered edition of the game. Each book has enough stickers to make 14 Robot Dice, which is about as many as you'll statistically ever need. I have enough materials to make a few more sheets. If there's enough interest, I'm bringing some to GenCon, possibly for sale or as a con-exclusive bonus. If you want to try your own, here's a link to the PDF template for an OL32LP label sheet.