A Christmas Letter to the Pilgrims of the Flying Temple

You remember Lyndsay Peters of Dragon Chow Dice Bags, right? She's hosting a session of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple for her family, so she wanted to write a letter just for the holiday season. Inspired by the Island of Misfit Toys, she penned this cute mission for the pilgrims:

Dear Pilgrims of the Flying Temple:

We simply cannot stand one more year of heartbreak. Every year we watch the eight reindeer fly overhead, left here in the snow. Every year we have to tell toys why they're here, and not on the sleigh! It's all because we have square wheels or fly in water. If we have to go one more year without seeing a happy child on Christmas Morning, we might give up on the magic of Christmas… FOREVER!

Please, Pilgrims! Get us on Santa's Sleigh!

- The Island of Misfit Toys

Goal Words
"Happy Child"
"Christmas Morning"

Thanks for a great letter, Lyndsay!


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