Listen to me yap on Dice Section, Jennisodes, and State of Games


Heyo! It's been a while since I've done many podcast interviews. I was doing a TON in 2010-2011 promoting my games or the 1000 Year Game Design Challenge. This time around things are much more casual. Here are some recent appearances that you can put in your ear holes.

The Dice Section 12: Survive
I stop by to visit my good friends at the Dice Section to chat about the current events of gaming and to play a rowsing game of Survive: Escape from Atlantis. We also talk about the current iteration of Belle of the Ball and how it was refined from a particularly rough playtest last Fall.

Jennisodes 143: Sidekick Quests
James Stowe, Lyndsay Peters, and I team up to talk about Sidekick Quests, James' adorable webcomic about youthful adventuring sidekicks. Lyndsay and I are still tinkering with the card game. We talk about our design goals, how the game works, why it's great for kids, and list several of the cute D&D-inspired quests in the game. Look for more on SKQ:CG.

State of Games 40: The One about UnPub3
The morning after UnPub3, I joined in on the annual post-con breakfast at the House Louder. But first, Chris Kirkman brings you some interviews from the show floor. There were so many great games at the event and I wish I had more of a chance to play them all. If you want to hear more about Belle of the Ball specifically, check out the 45min mark.



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