April 2014 Sales Report

Wow, what a whirlwind of a month April was! I released my first dexterity game Ten Pen, a second batch of icons to my Patreon backers, scheduled a handful of Google Helpouts, and hustled hustled hustled. This is the business model I had set forth for myself this year, so it's all going according to plan. I just didn't know how sleepy I'd be by now!

So let's look at the sales numbers for my card games on DriveThruCards this month.

17x Koi Pond: A Coy Card Game +5 from March
7x Koi Pond: Four Walls (Promo Card 2) +0 from March
508x Koi Pond: Four Winds (Promo Card 1) +504 from March
5x Koi Pond: Moon Temple -6 from March
7x Suspense: the Card Game +4 from March
5x Nine Lives Card Game -4 from March
4x Penny Farthing Catapult -11 from March
6x Regime -9 from March
4x Ten Pen (new!)
$606.90 Retail
$208.14 Royalties

Grand Totals for 2014 (to date)
744 Products Sold
$2255.74 Retail
$827.18 Royalties

April seems to be holding steady to March's numbers, with some slight dips in overall sales despite a broader selection of products. I believe huge spike in sales for Four Winds came from within DriveThruCards, to use as promotional handouts at upcoming conventions.

I think I've been a bit too distracted lately with all my other ongoing projects to do the kind of marketing work that needs to be done with a new product. That shows in Ten Pen's numbers, for sure. I was hoping giving a new product a full month of shelf time would raise its numbers just by sheer virtue of time, but it really needs a strong marketing push too.

Well, this is all meant to be a long-tail strategy. As long as all of my products are selling at all each and every month, that's good solid progress.


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