Hello there!

Daniel visiting the Strong Museum of Play

Hi! I'm Daniel Solis and this blog has been dormant for a long time. Given the shake-ups on other social media platforms, I thought it prudent to revive this blog again for game ideas, graphic design tutorials, free downloads, and other ephemera. You know, a blog.

If you're new here, I've had a few games published over the years, including:

Indie Game Studio
* Kodama: The Tree Spirits
* Kodama Duo
* Trickster: Champions of Time

Renegade Games
* Junk Orbit
* Spacebattle Lunchtime
* Wonderland

Buttonshy Games
* Anthelion and its expansions
* Pod-X
* Kintsugi (with Mark McGee)

Dice Hate Me/Greater Than Games
* The Cube: Area 51 (with Drew Hicks)
* Belle of the Ball

These days, I haven't been hustling so hard to get published. I'll still share the odd game mechanic idea here, but I'd like to expand it beyond just game design. Aside from this place, http://www.patreon.com/danielsolis is where you can toss me a couple bucks if you like my stuff. You'll get access to years of downloads and tutorials. 

Thanks for stopping by!


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