Free Games to Libraries and Schools

We're giving away a free Print+PDF bundle to the first ten libraries, schools or after school programs who sign up.

If you know a US library, school or after school program that would like to have a free copy of Happy Birthday, Robot!, send me a message through kickstarter or on twitter @danielsolis. (You can see examples of HBR in the classroom here and here.) In your message, please include:

  • Shipping address for your library, school or organization to send the book when it's printed in a few months (Sorry, this offer is only available in the US for now.)
  • Email to send the PDF when it's available in May.
  • Whether your organization would prefer to remain anonymous.

There are only 10 offers available right now, so it'll be on a first come, first serve basis. I'll update this post as soon as I get signups in my inbox.

1: Children Youth and Family Collaborative - COVERED!
2: Derrick Thomas Academy - COVERED!
3: [Anonymous] - COVERED!
4: North Plainfield School District - COVERED!
5: Nacogdoches Public Library - COVERED!
6: Oklahoma City Public Library - COVERED!
7: Norman Public Library - COVERED!
8: Lab School - COVERED!
9: Highline High School - COVERED!
10: New Orleans Center for Creative Arts - COVERED!

Each of the next ten print+pdf preorders will cover the costs of producing and shipping a free bundle to each library, school or after school program. When a pre-order comes in, I'll note the institution as "COVERED" in the list above.


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