Donating free books to Kids Need To Game.

The first 24 hours were so successful, the goal was met and then some. Your enthusiasm exceeded my wildest expectations. That visceral urge to meet a clear, tangible goal is now resolved sooner than I thought.

But there are still 60+ days until the funds are actually pooled together to print the books. Unfortunately, there are also lots of people who want to pre-order, but see that the goal has been met and think they missed their chance. (Which is not the case, as the last seven backers can tell you.)

So, that leaves an interesting and happy dilemma. How do we spread the word that you can still pledge and pre-order PDFs and PDF+Book bundles? The answer came from Purple Pawn's recent blog post discussing the charity Kids Need to Game.

[Teacher] Brian has been running an after school games club for 1st through 9th graders at his school in Denmark. [...]
"I have been able to document, with information given to me by several of the teachers and parents, that almost 60% of the active participants in the gaming club have actually improved in problem-solving skills and reading comprehension since starting with us."

Sounds like a great cause to me, and definitely in line with the goals of Happy Birthday, Robot! So, I'm happy to announce the following:

When the pledges reach $1,500, I'll be donating a first edition of the book to Kids Need To Game.

When they reach, $1,650, I'll donate another first edition book.

When they reach, $1,800, I'll donate one more book.

After that, if May 31st is still a long ways out, I'll seek out any other game/kid charities to donate books to. So if you've already backed, I thank you and encourage you to spread the word to your friends about this offer. Kids Need To Game is a great cause and hopefully we can spread our good fortune to them. Thanks!

-- Daniel


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