Happy Birthday, Robot! - Nominated for Four Ennie Awards!

Holy crap! The Ennie 2011 nominees were just announced and Happy Birthday, Robot! is nominated in four categories!

Best Game
* Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
* Icons Superpowered Roleplaying (Adamant Entertainment/Cubicle 7)
* Legends of Anglerre (Cubicle 7)
* Mutants & Masterminds Hero’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing)
* The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
* Honorable Mention: The Laundry (Cubicle 7)

Best New Game
* A Taste for Murder (Graham Walmsley)
* Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
* Icons Superpowered Roleplaying (Adamant Entertainment/Cubicle 7)
* The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
* The Laundry (Cubicle 7)
* Honorable Mention: Stars Without Number (Sine Nominee Publishing)

Best Production Values
* Gatecrashing (Posthuman Studios)
* Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
* Legend of the Five Rings, Fourth Edition (Alderac Entertainment Group)
* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (Paizo Publishing)
* The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )

Product of the Year
* A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide (Green Ronin Publishing)
* DC Adventures Hero’s Handbook (Green Ronin Publishing)
* D&D Gamma World Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast)
* Gatecrashing (Posthuman Studios)
* Happy Birthday, Robot! (Evil Hat Productions)
* Legend of the Five Rings, Fourth Edition (Alderac Entertainment Group)
* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide (Paizo Publishing)
* Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide (Paizo Publishing)
* The Dresden Files RPG (Evil Hat Productions )
* The Stork (DreamPunk Productions)
* Honorable Mention:Legends of Anglerre (Cubicle 7)

That's some tough and varied competition, but I'm still thrilled to be included in the company of Dresden Files and Gamma World. Yowza.


  1. If the world was the way it should be, Happy Birthday Robot should win at least two of those awards...and in a perfect world, it should win all four. I own maybe 3/4 of the games on those lists, and none of them are quite as elegant, fun, or nice to look at as HBR. And none of them have been played as much as my copy of HBR.

  2. Thank you so much! I'm glad you're having fun with it. Be sure to vote! :D


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