Thousand Year Game Design Challenge - July Update

The Thousand-Year Game Design Challenge

Push by Dan Hope
Dan Hope submits the first video entry with an elegant little push-and-corner abstract. You can plainly hear how well-practiced and well-rehearsed he is during the demo. If you're pitching a game, it's crucial that you are confident, calm and comfortable. Take a lesson from Dan, folks.

WarMaze by Mackenzie Cameron
Mackenzie's entry bears some similarities to Oshii, in that play is about pushing other piece around. But that's where the similarity ends. In fact, this is closer to a Zelda puzzle, where you and your opponent's are trying to hit certain targets while keeping your princess safe from the other monsters.

Push by David Gordon Buresh
You're not mistaken! This is another game called Push. (I had to double-check that myself.) This game is much more similar to Tsuro, though. Play focuses on shifting rows and columns of pawns around a grid and getting individual pieces isolated for capture.

Beloved by Ben Lehman
Longtime indie storygamer and storygame designer Ben Lehman drops this artful game into the competition. You're a hero. You must rescue your beloved from an invincible monster. But there's more to this game than it seems. I can't say more without spoiling the surprise.


  1. Thanks Dan for making Push (the first one) open content! It's a shame we haven't seen many entrants making use of Creative Commons.

  2. Indeed, I hope to encourage more CC licenses in this last month of the challenge.

  3. In awe of Dan's beautiful game. I will definitely be making a board and some pieces shortly and sharing it with my friends.


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