The Century Club's Official Seal [Logo Design]

Century Club Logos
As a part of the upcoming Race to Adventure board game, Evil Hat wanted an official seal for the protagonists in the game. The Century Club is an international organization of daring and uniquely talented heroes in the mid-1920s.

We took inspiration from lots of the art deco forms of the era, especially the "wings" motif commonly seen in everything from hood ornaments to angel sculptures. It's fortunate that I work in the American Tobacco Campus in Durham, NC. We're surrounded by renovated tobacco factory architecture, including plenty of exposed steel infrastructure. Plenty of inspirational material there.

So we went thought a few iterations, some focused on Metropolis-style faces, surrounded by gear halos. Some focused on the idea of a Roman shield, tying back to a legacy of ancient heroism.

After a few rounds, we settled on the seal you see above. It combines the optimism of the pulp era and a faith in technology. We thought this could be something easily found on a broach, lapel pin, hanging on a wall or just worn on a t-shirt. This logo is Trademark Evil Hat Productions, LLC.


  1. Pretty cool. I love logo's and emblems.

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