Building the Belle of the Ball Card prototypes

Here's a status update! I've ordered seven prototypes from SuperiorPOD. These are going to six different playtest groups around the country.
  • Oklahoma
  • Missouri
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • Connecticut
  • Maryland

Look for playtest feedback from these code-named groups in coming weeks. I feel very confident that the game's mechanics are mostly baked. The main tweaks need to happen to the actual presentation, making it more clear when a guest has a symbol and when a guest desires a symbol.

Oh! But I digress. Yesterday, I had a few latecomers ask about getting prototypes. It was too late to change the POD order, so I got to work making a couple handmade decks. I live tweeted the process last night and now I share it with you through the magic of Storify! 


  1. i love the clip method! have you considered using spray adhesive instead of glue sticks? i love the stuff.

  2. Under normal circumstances, I would've used spray mount, but it's hard to control in the tight quarters of our apartment.

  3. The one tech I know for communicating "has" vs. "wants" visually is to use an object for "has" (shaded, or in at least two colors) and a void for "wants" (much like your current symbols).

    But I don't know if that's too visually busy for these cards.

  4. As a matter of fact, I'm still figuring out ways to reduce the amount of visual information on these cards, which may require a new scoring system.

  5. If your printer allows it, printing on 250g paper is much more easier (no glue) : the weight is close to manufacturers cardboards weight (275g is minimum), and it's heavy enough to look like a real card. The only problem is the back/front exact fit, wich is really difficult to obtain with personnal printers. But that way you save a looooot of time...


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