Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple - Indie Game of the Year, Best Production, Most Innovative

Last night, all eyes were on the Ennie awards at GenCon. Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple was nominated for Best Interior Art and Best Game. As Rob Donoghue says, Do defies categorization, so our chances were slim and it really was an honor just to be nominated. Thanks to everyone who voted!

Meanwhile, the Indie RPG Awards were announced and we cleaned up! Check it!

Most Innovative Game

Gosh, this is the one award that I appreciate the most. I'm still learning what it takes to be a good game designer. With the support of great folks at Evil Hat Productions, playtesting feedback over many years, and Mark Sherry's math skillz, Do turned out to cooler than I could have hoped. Thank you!

Best Production
It took a lot of TLC to get this book laid out just right, but it wouldn't be any good without the amazing art. All credit goes to Liz Radtke, Kristin Rakochy and Jake Richmond for the art contributions. I also want to give a special mention to Amy Houser, who did some amazing art for Book of Letters that doesn't get seen nearly enough. Hire her a lot!

Indie Game of the Year for 2011
This one just blows me away. I have no idea what to say, honestly. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What's next? Well, clearly I gotta do a better support job for Do. Taking a lesson from Bully Pulpit, expect new letters to the pilgrims more regularly. Can't say for sure how often, but moreso than now.


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