What's scarier, pilgrims or monsters? [Actual Play of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple]

Long-time pilgrim Sophie Lagacé shared this lovely play report from last weekend, plus some follow-up comments on this thread. Below is the actual play report in Sophie's words:

At Pacificon this weekend, +Edmund Metheny ran +Daniel Solis' Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple for the Young Players' room.  I played with the kids and served as scribe.  Here is the letter (contributed by +Ariele Agostini for Do: The Book of Letters)  we answered and the story that ensued:


I am writing to you because I'm stuck on my bed.

I just dreamed that the Evil clan of Tvel.. Twl.. 12 Bed Mosters declared war against me, and I just woke up.

I know I should not be afraid, so I sent two of my teddy bears to take a look, but they haven't come back.  Then I sent all the others but none came back.  Now here on the bed I'm left with only Poldo and Capt. FluffyEar but the monsters are pulling my blanket and I can hear them laugh and chuckle and snicker and say they want to roast me and eat me and I DON'T WANT TO BE ROASTED!

So please come help me, because I don't want to be roasted and prettyprettyplease don't make too much noise or my sister will mock me until Christmas because I'm afraid of mostners!  Stupid she is, she hasn't to be afraid, the mosnters don't go after her, do they?

Listen, here while I was writing they have eaten half of my blanket so now I fold my letter and make a paper plane but hurry.

Thank You,


We had three Pilgrims:
Chatterbox Advisor, who gets in trouble by talking too much, and helps people by giving wise advice;
Forgetful Finder, who gets in trouble by being absent-minded and helps people by finding things; and
Tiny Mouse, who gets in trouble by being too small and helps people by being able to get in places where no one else can.

As soon as the Pilgrims arrive, Tiny Mouse says: "Don't worry, Agatha, we're here to help!" and dives under the bed to take a peek at the monsters.  The monsters catch her, tie her up and throw her in the closet.

Pilgrim Chatterbox Advisor tells Agatha to stay with her teddy bears.  But she also starts talking so much that Agatha falls asleep and over the edge of the bed!

Pilgrim Forgetful Finder looks over the side, spots the toy grabber that the monsters have been using to reach up, snatches it and pulls Agatha back on the bed with it.  But he forgets to dodge the monsters so they tangle him with the blanket and pull him down to eat him!

Tiny Mouse, all trussed up, crawls like a caterpillar through a hole in the closet wall into the next room.  Agatha's sister thinks this is a big caterpillar, screams and throws Tiny Mouse through the window into the grass.

Pilgrim Chatterbox Advisor tells Captain FluffyEar to throw pillows at the monsters.

Pilgrim Forgetful Finder finds an old feather in his pocket and uses it to tickle the monster from the inside and make it sneeze him out so far he bounces into the corridor.  Forgetful Finder runs back in the room -- but gets it wrong and scares the sister in her room so she hits him with a pillow!

Pilgrim Tiny Mouse, flying crookedly, manages to get in through the window cracked open and Poldo unties her.

We get a parade ending!

Tiny Mouse goes back under the bed with Poldo and Captain FluffyEar.  Forgetful Finder finds the missing teddy bears, so Chatterbox Advisor organizes them as an army against the monsters to throw them out.  Then Chatterbox Advisor puts Agatha and her sister back to sleep by talking to them for a long time, so they'll think it was all a bad dream, but the teddy bears give the pilgrims a parade!

The kids had a great time and were really insistent that we should play another game, but we had to run for our next scheduled event. I spoke to one of the Do players and her father today; they liked the game so much that they went to the dealers' room and bought the book after yesterday's game!


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