March 2014 Sales Report

When I decided to do monthly sales reports on the first day of each month, I didn't think about April Fool's Day. Ah well, just rest assured this post is good ol' boring number crunching. As you may recall, December had a huge spike in holiday sales, followed by a precipitous drop in January that rolled into the short sales period of February. I was wondering when (or whether) my plan for monthly releases would create enough overlapping long tails to save a rough first quarter. Let's see.

12x Koi Pond: A Coy Card Game +4 from Feb
7x Koi Pond: Four Walls (Promo Card 2) +4 from Feb
7x Koi Pond: Four Winds (Promo Card 1) +4 from Feb
11x Koi Pond: Moon Temple +2 from Feb
3x Suspense: the Card Game -4 from Feb
9x Nine Lives Card Game +7 from Feb
15x Penny Farthing Catapult -1 from Feb
15x Regime (New!)
$740.05 Retail
$270.67 Royalties

Grand Totals for 2014 (to date)
180 Products Sold
$1648.84 Retail
$619.05 Royalties

In last month's sales report, I anticipated a big opening debut for REGIME. It released earlier in the month than any prior release, so it simply had more time to make more sales. It has an art style that really captured a lot of people's interest. I'm hoping to continue that trend releasing products earlier and earlier in the month, to ensure a more complete record of sales strength. The goal next month: Monsoon Market!


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