Now on SkillShare! Graphic Design for Collectible Card Games

Ever wanted to design your own deck of cards but were intimidated about all the fiddly bits of graphic design? Check out my latest SkillShare course Graphic Design for Collectible Card Games, a set of video lessons where I take you step by step through my design process for card decks. This is a followup to my previous SkillShare course Designing Cards for Tabletop Games, so it might help to check that out first.

Collectible card games are really fun, but they can be intimidating as a graphic design project. All those stats and variable elements! I'll de-mystify the advanced features of InDesign's DataMerge so you can easily create a deck of cards and rapidly iterate during your development process.

At the end of this course, you will know how to

  • Create dynamic card frames that adapt to text length
  • Design your "dingbat" icon font and automatically insert icons into text
  • Get the most out of art assets with transparent backgrounds

And more! So check it out: Graphic Design for Collectible Card Games


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