I have a marathon on Sunday and I'm totally unprepared.

Daniel, collapsed after a 1st place 5k victory.


A brief interlude into my non-game life. Normally, about two weeks before a marathon, you're supposed to be running a LOT. Then you taper off for the next several days and rest a week before the big day.

In my case, I just completed nearly two weeks of work-travel across the country. (Literally, from Hawaii to the east coast.) The jet lag, restaurant food and climate changes gave me some weird flu-like bug the past couple days that is only now subsiding.

Needless to say, not much time for training.

Now, I was never planning to run the entire marathon. I planned to run about five miles and walk every sixth. Generally shooting for a 10 min/mile pace. Still, even with these modest goals, I am a bit concerned about whether I'm adequately prepared.

So talk me up! Gimme tips. Just don't try to talk me out of it, 'cause I've been wanting to do this for a long time. :)


  1. I'm going to be at the finish line cheering you on! And hey - at a 10 min/mile pace maybe we can run together (from miles 6 to 9).

    It's all mental. You just have to get your head in the right space. Your body already knows what to do.

  2. That's the trick, I hear. I'll at least keep up the pace enough so I can meet you at mile 6. :)

  3. I'm going to be at the finish line cheering you on! And hey - at a 10 min/mile pace maybe we can run together (from miles 6 to 9).

    It's all mental. You just have to get your head in the right space. Your body already knows what to do.


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