Week 1 [Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple | Where We're Learning]

On this day last week, Fred and I were chatting about the Kickstarter video, cutting length, and making edits to the animation. We were also deciding whether to launch Sunday or go ahead and push the big red button immediately. Boy, am I glad we decided to push.

The chart above shows our funding progress thus far. I also translated dollars to meters, just to give some perspective on how great the response has been so far. In less than a week, we have over tripled our initial fundraising goals!

After seven days of media coverage, preparing future rewards, organizing schedules for print production and, oh yeah, a very busy full-time job, I'm looking forward to hitting our cruising altitude. If we follow the same trajectory as the past few days, we'll end this campaign in the mid-$14,000 range. We may even surpass the current record-holder for highest funded tabletop gaming product (e20), but I'm more than happy to sit in second-place.

Anyway, over the next couple of days, I'll post some tips and lessons we're learning as we go. Look for more under the "What We're Learning" tag in coming days.


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