Figuring Out How To Design a Logo Title Graphic for a Board Game

Experimenting with more commercial-style title graphics. One thing I've noticed is that they have lots and lots of outlines. Layer upon layer upon layer. I don't quite have the hang of it yet. Partly, it's a matter of starting with a hand-drawn letterform instead of a standard font. You get more character out of the title and more control over the entire personality. Starting from a basic typeface isn't a bad start, though.

Elapsed time: 1 Hour

» Music CC-BY-SA: Popof – "Friandise"


  1. Damn you Daniel Solis! With every howto movie you shatter my dreams about being brilliant designer by showing me your talent, skill and hard work! ;-)


  2. Thanks, but I feel like this is cheating. :P I started from a reliable font (Trade Gothic) and used two stock vector elements (the apple and woodgrain). If this were to do this as a serious thing, I'd start from a hand-drawn title, then struggle with illustrating the apple, then tediously draw the wood grain, then get frustrated and drink ten cups of coffee. Then, in a huff, I'd start all over from Trade Gothic and stock vectors. :)

  3. I wish you'd include the *actual* length of time it took you to do this. I appreciate watching the sped-up version, but I'm also interested in how long it really took you.

  4. How long does that take you in real time?

  5. This one took about an hour. Added a note to this post and to the video.

  6. This one took about an hour. Added a note to this post and to the video.


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