Operation BSU plays Happy Birthday, Robot! via Google+ Hangouts

You remember the last time Operation BSU played Happy Birthday, Robot! right? Oh boy. Thankfully, they acknowledge that they're gleefully corrupting what is meant to be a kid and family game. And boy, are they gleeful about it. When your first line opens with eating babies, that's how you know this will be an odd session.

Set the table, tuck in your bib, and read the complete story here.

Tune in to Operation BSU on Saturday nights, 10pm EDT. http://operationbsu.org and their Google Plus page. "Like a morning show, except better. And at night."


  1. Alexander WilliamsJuly 12, 2012 at 4:33 PM

    And suddenly, my listenership just ... hextupled? Jumped by orders of magnitude? It's hard to say.

    Ironically, we'll be playing HBR tonight at 10pm EDT, live on Hangout On-Air and there are still slots open for the game. If folks are interested, we have a Google Event set up for notification here:



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