I'm Designing a Deck of Cards for Fate!

The title pretty much says it all! I'm designing a deck of playing cards for Evil Hat's Fate system! Well, technically it'll only happen if the Fate Core Kickstarter reaches its stretch goal. What's so special about this 100-card deck?
  • The back can be used as a handy-dandy Fate Point chip.
  • The faces show one of 81 possible combinations of a 4dF roll.
  • The faces also have colorful phrases to add even more flavor to your results.
  • PLUS: We're still figuring out ways to layer in even more information on the face of each card for even more cool game potential.
What you see above is all I've designed so far as a quick example. If you want to see the whole deck layed out, go back the Kickstarter now and put me to work!


  1. yay! I think is this a great design and a better idea for someone here in the antipodes

  2. Incredible design. Well done !

  3. Thanks! Hope the rest of the deck turns out well too. :)

  4. Hope the deck treats you well!

  5. Ha! I knew I recognized your handiwork on that deck. It's gorgeous and I'm very happy we unlocked that stretch.

  6. I'm so easily pegged. :)


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