Speaking at Triangle Creative Commons 10-year Celebration

Head's up! I've been invited to participate in a lightning talk at a Creative Commons ten-year celebration on Red Hat's campus. woot! Very exciting. Hope I can see you there!

Triangle Creative Commons 10-year celebration

Red Hat
1801 Varsity Drive
Centennial Campus, NC State
Raleigh, NC 27606
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM (EST)

I'll be talking about how games can live on for a long, long, long time thanks to the Creative Commons license. I'll touch on a little bit of ancient game history, the state of the current market, the Thousand-Year Game Design Challenge and the difficulties in preserving digital games.

You can preview my slides and speaking notes here!


  1. Daniel, I really enjoyed the presentation. Look forward to connecting with you.




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