Brian Patterson's art for Trickster: Starship

The second release for Trickster is still in development, but it will be a pair of Sci-Fi themed sets. Today, I wanted to show off Brian Patterson's new art for Trickster: Starship. This set is centered on the ragtag crew of the starship Emphasis. It's a loving mashup of the goofiest parts of Star Trek, Guardians of the Galaxy, Firefly, and Farscape.

Trickster Starship - The Captain

Trickster Starship - The Diplomat

Trickster Starship - The Engineer

Trickster Starship - The First Officer

Trickster Starship - The Medic

Trickster Starship - The Security Chief

Trickster Starship - The Pilot

Brian really knocked it out of the park! I'm eager to share more about Trickster: Starship as it develops!


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