Preview of Dionysia Jones' Art for Do: Fate of the Flying Temple

It's time for another preview of the art coming up in Do: Fate of the Flying Temple, the new Fate-powered RPG set in the Do universe. You saw Jacqui Davis' cover last time, so this time I wanted to show off Dionysia Jones' amazing work on the double-page spreads. Here was my art direction:

The three pilgrims gather in the middle of ancient ruins to discuss what they will do now that the temple has disappeared. They agree that their mission of helping people in need should continue, regardless of the temple’s existence. It’s just the right thing to do. They agree to this new pledge with an all-together handshake as shown in the placeholder art. [1] In the distance, amidst the ruins, we might see the silhouette of the dragon observing this pledge intently. The dragon will be learning from the pilgrims while they go on their adventure, so they must set an example for what will potentially be a very powerful force in the universe to come. Still, each pilgrim approaches this pledge with a light heart, only Marked Ghost showing a sense of sincere solemnity.

Dionysia decided to go with a style inspired by Legend of Korra. Her foreground characters are drawn with fine lines and sharp cel shading while the backgrounds are more richly textured. I think the result is stunning and I can't wait for you to see how the rest of her work turned out. I'm super duper excited!

[1] I provide lots of example art for each piece, including a sample page spread using characters from Korra for this illustration:
I've never had an artist complain about too much visual reference. :)


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