The Daily Huddle for Work-From-Home Freelancers

Seemingly Surreal Swallows in a Spring Snowstorm
It's a new year and a fresh chance to get started on some new habits. One habit I've kept up since becoming a freelancer is the Daily Huddle. A bunch of work-from-home freelancers and I meet every weekday at 10am EST for about 20 minutes to share three things:

- #1 Priority for the Day
- A question or bit of help for the group
- One bit of news, which is ostensibly supposed to be a professional update but has lately digressed into Star Wars. A lot.

I picked up this habit when I was working in an office, but it's an easy and convenient way to keep up human contact with fellow professionals. We have artists, writers, and game designers on a regular basis. Join us at this URL!


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