Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple – Production Schedule

Draft 2 is complete. The word count for this draft roughly 35,000 words, mostly comprised of examples of play, advice, inspiration tools to improve your game. Now it's in Ryan Macklin's capable editing hands. Here's the current schedule:

Draft 0: The 80,000 word behemoth I wrote a year ago.
Goal: Get all the possible content for the game in one document.
Status: Done, December 2009

Draft 1: A from-scratch new draft written with several months' hindsight.
Goal: Review and revise the main text to only the bare procedures. Trim fat. Post those procedures online and play as much as possible.
Status: Done, September 2010

Draft 2: A re-organized draft based on Ryan's first high-level edits.
Goal: Add examples of play and advice to make the text truly complete.
Status: Done, November 2010

Draft 3: A final draft deeply edited by Ryan.
Goal: Ryan's edits scrub every pore, pulling out blemishes in the text.
Schedule: December 2010 or January 2011, depending on Ryan's availability.

Gamma Test: A full layout procedural chapter.
Goal: Play at Dreamation 2011.
Schedule: January – February 2011

Final Draft: The complete book, cover to cover.
Goal: Get PDF out to pre-orderers early to spot typos.
Schedule: Late February 2011

Print: Complete prepped file for the printer.
Goal: Give printer at least two months lead time to print the book.
Schedule: Early March 2011

Distribute: Ship out the book to pre-orderers and retailers.
Goal: Perhaps some extra digital bonuses for pre-orderers?
Schedule: Late May 2011

Launch: First major appearance of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple
Goal: Sell some copies at Origins, but focus on getting more buzz. Press release. Schedule podcast interviews. Online content.
Schedule: Late June 2011

Spike: Realistically, the peak of all sales.
Goal: Sell as many copies as possible at GenCon.
Schedule: August 2011

Slope: Post-GenCon and Holiday Sales
Goal: Post new letters and FAQs. Keep responding to any questions on forums.
Schedule: September – December 2011

Long Tail: Post-rush sales.
Goal: Keep Do in public consciousness. Submit for award consideration.
Schedule: 2012 and beyond


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