PDF of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple Now Available to Backers

Hello, Backers! You should now have access to the electronic edition of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple. This includes a full-color PDF and a barebones printer-friendly PDF, too. Hope you enjoy! Please share your experiences on forums, Facebook and Twitter. Ping me at gobi81 at gmail dot com when you do so. I'd love to share your stories, too.

Here are some more updates:

* The PDF will be for sale on evilhat.com in a few days! Or right now!

* The book is at the printer. It is on schedule for distribution with plenty of time for GenCon. (I'll be a GenCon signing books at the Indie Press Revolution booth. Schedule TBD.)

* The book will be on sale for pre-order in July at evilhat.com.

* Do: The Book of Letters is being edited and illustrated right now. (All of your letters have been accepted!) You can see Liz Radtke's sketches for the cover here.

* We plan on wrapping up BoL in late July, so look for more announcements then.


  1. Hi Daniel,

    This game is just a dream made truth... Just one little complain about "Quick Start and Reference" PDF.

    I found quite difficult to find how the Storyteller would be in trouble (If not in trouble and... vs. If not in trouble and...) until I read 3 or 4 times this reference.

    It would be really helpful knowing something like:
    1- The Storyteller won't be in trouble until some other player (Troublemaker) puts a trouble token onr her passport
    2- The first turn of each round no Storyteller will be in trouble

    But that's all i'd found against such game a dream to play... Maybe via Wiki O:)

  2. Thanks, Juan! I'll make a note of that in a revised PDF.


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