Belle of The Ball Prototype Card Designs

Just a quick progress report on Belle of the Ball. Spent the better part of last week revising the rules according to the Belle playtesters' comments. These edits included some changes to the card designs.

Actually, I don't think I ever mentioned this on the blog, but I found some really good prices on printing custom playing cards as small print runs. The prices were good enough that they convinced me to go with cards instead of tiles.

That mean resizing and reformatting the tiles to suit the new dimensions. Fortunately, the printer offers a very handy template for card sheets as you can see in the second picture above.

The extra room also gives me an opportunity to include flavor text for each guest. I don't know yet how I'll use that opportunity. Perhaps continuing the alliterative theme from the Belle cards?

I also need to finally color the great illustrations from Mori McLamb and Liz Radtke. They gave me some great material, I hope I can do them justice.

For now, I'm taking a break on Belle to focus on preparing Utara's prototype and continuing the layout for Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple. More on Utara and dice production in general in days to come.


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