Thousand-Year Game Design Challenge - February Update

The second month of the challenge has some interesting new entrants, including a high-end commercial prototype from a European game company and an abstract party game with elements from a pre-existing thousand-year game.

Coerceo by the Coerceo Company
The Coerceo Company sent us a lush luxury prototype of their abstract 2-player game. You can see close-ups of the individual bits by clicking the image on the right. We're concerned about the sustainability of wooden boxes, cardboard tiles and plastic pyramids, but the Coerceo Company pledges to donate any winnings to charity. That's a plus in our book.

Pandora's Box: A Timeless Game of Psychology and Curiosity by Benjamin D. Stanley
Now this is an interesting hybrid. Take the physical elements of an existing thousand-year-old game and use them in a highly social party game and social experiment. Throw in an ancient mythic theme and you have Pandora's Box.

Great new submissions! Combined with last month's entrants, that makes five games competing for the $1,000 prize. Submit your game at


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