Belle of the Ball - Jacqui Davis' Art Preview Part 1


Jacqui Davis has been working diligently on the art for Belle of the Ball, to be kickstarted by Dice Hate Me Games in late Summer 2013 for an early 2014 release. You can find more about the game on the DHM site here. It's been a thrill to see these guests with silly names and sillier titles finally come to life.

Developing the island setting Ludobel has been exciting as an opportunity for world-building I rarely get to do. It's probably been since Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple that I got a chance to fully direct character designs. Jacqui Davis' work has been magnificent so far. In particular, she's really taken to heart my desire for a diverse cast of characters featuring a variety of ethnicity, silhouette, and gender presentation.

Each guest has a first and last name, naturally. I randomly generated these names from a list of suffixes and prefixes I thought sounded funny. On occasion, I'd tweak the names to maximize their tongue-twisting silliness, thus you get guest names like "Dirigible Dinnerbum." All guests come from one of the twelve counties of Ludobel, and each county has a Lord and Lady noted by a sash. Each guest also has an honorary title, reflecting a noteworthy skill, achievement or occupation. Thus you have titles like "Wall of Flappingcap" or "Fool of Dent." Enough chatter, on with the art!


Highmount County is home to high mountain steppes and equestrian aristocrats. L to R: Obelisk Orlantop, Inch of Highmount; Lady Livery Lingridtub, Gem of Highmount; Lord Anteater Appletend, Fool of Highmount; Vorpal Vanbee, Key of Highmount; Embrose Excrew, Jack of Highmount.


Anglebottom County is known for its fine silk exports. L to R: Lady Maybe Mumblecaw, Ace of Anglebottom; Lord Calla Quizcave, Barge of Anglebottom; Penny Puzzlemass, Cape of Anglebottom; Orblah Openbend, Eye of Anglebottom; Lady Critique Crappique, Drake of Anglebottom.


Indigum County is an artists' commune, source of baffling fashion trends. L to R: Kickingsell Kittenbell, Zest of Indigum; Meowsmith Mutterhut, Rock of Indigum; Ragequit Rumplefatch, Wall of Indigum; Lady Lovelylady Lamp, Quill of Indigum; Lord Wibblywobbly Wantonmutt, Lance of Indigum.


Craw County is a misty, rocky moor home to ancient ruins and dour historians. L to R: Jugular Jugkeg, Wall of Craw; Lady Custer Cutterlub, Lance of Craw; Lord Capable Canklerack, Quill of Craw; Underpants Unterdaria, Zest of Craw; Original Orblack, Rock of Craw.

There are still eight more counties, so look for more previews in coming weeks, including guests from grape-growing Jamshire County, mountainous Krinkle County, and super-scientific Flappingcap County. To see more of Jacqui Davis' work, go see her blog!


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