Moving to Durham

Big news on the home front: I'm taking a promotion and transferring to my agency's Raleigh-Durham office next September.

This continues a general pattern of spending every ten years in a different state. :P I moved to Oklahoma back in 2000, straight out of high school. Lots of great memories here, but I'm looking forward to the new position and new challenges ahead in North Carolina.

If you have leads for rental homes in nice neighborhoods within fifteen miles of downtown Durham, we'd be much obliged.


  1. Awesome!

    1) You'll have no shortage of gaming here. A lot of us are excited to have you nearby.

    2) What's the physical addy of your workplace? There's more than one "downtown Durham" depending how you squint, so want to make sure I look at the proper point zero to help.

    3) Know nothing off the top of head, but "nice house" and "15 miles of downtown Durham" may be almost opposites, again depending on where you circle. Jason M lives juuuust outside of that range, and the area he lives is pretty nice. If that happens to be close to Your Downtown, that might be worth looking into.

    4) If you're looking for aplace to stay for a fwe days as you look into the housing in the area, hit me up anytime (I think you have my email). We live in Cary, about 25 miles from downtown-ish Durham.


  2. Sweet!
    That puts you somewhat closer to Upstate NY*. Maybe now we can get you to come up for Genericon 2012.


    * Well, maybe not physically, but perhaps psychologically, if I say it enough.

  3. As and aside, Chrome gives me a hell of a time trying to post to your comments. I get to see the little "enter the code" bit, with a preview of the post, but I can't get the cursor into the entry box. I had to boot up Explorer .

  4. Andy: He's in the American Tobacco Campus, which is downtown Durham.

    Also, come on, finding a place downtown-adjacent can be tricky, but Old West Durham and Northgate Park are nice, as are Trinity Park and many of those neighborhoods. Jason is absolutely NOT on the outer perimeter of decent places to live or rent.

    Daniel, if you're interested in the area we looked at, we use Apple Realty and have been pretty happy with our place.

    So sorry our boats are going to pass in the night!

  5. Andy: What Remi said. (Re: Location) Thanks for the offer! Hopefully we'll be able to use the corporate apartment if we can't find a place before September. We'll keep that offer in mind, though. :)

    Quentin: I can go to a LOT more cons, for sure.

    Remi: Thanks for the link, Remi! I passed it along to Mego.

  6. Andy: He's in the American Tobacco Campus, which is downtown Durham.

    Also, come on, finding a place downtown-adjacent can be tricky, but Old West Durham and Northgate Park are nice, as are Trinity Park and many of those neighborhoods. Jason is absolutely NOT on the outer perimeter of decent places to live or rent.

    Daniel, if you're interested in the area we looked at, we use Apple Realty and have been pretty happy with our place.

    So sorry our boats are going to pass in the night!


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