[Do] Monday Night Group - Episode 1

Actual Play of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple
This is a story created by playing Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple.

The Pilgrims

Pilgrim Elegant Glass gets in trouble by dancing around and knocking things down and helps people by her clear thinking. (Written by Jenn)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

Pilgrim Loquacious Candy gets in trouble by talking too much, and helps people by giving them candies to make them feel better. (Written by Mark)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

Pilgrim Heavy Boot gets in trouble by being quite large and helps people with his indestructible boots. (Written by Daniel)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

The Letter

"Swallowed Whole" by Ben Lehman

The Story

Pilgrim Loquacious Candy talked and talked and missed the whale coming at him and EATING ALL OF US

The Pilgrims end up in the stomach, where Pilgrim Loquacious Candy lands in a pool of digestive juices. They eat a hole in one of his pockets, but the pocket contained tasty antacids, which neutralized the pool.

Pilgrim Heavy Boot shoves his left boot into the whale's blow hole, forcing him to breathe through his mouth.

The pilgrims get sucked by the breath toward a house, which Pilgrim Heavy Boot crashes into, leaving a big hole.

Pilgrim Elegant Glass screams out to Pilgrim Heavy Boots "Grab my hand when you come out the other side so I can save you by grabbing this tree!"

Pilgrim Elegant Glass moves around so much that she rescues Pilgrim Heavy Boot but knocks herself deeper into the whale's gullet.

Pilgrim Loquacious Candy tosses a length of string candy toward Pilgrim Elegant Glass, and used it to tow her in with Melanie's help.

Pilgrim Heavy Boot puts Melanie in his right boot, swings her around by the laces and tosses her out as the whale opens its mouth.

Melanie's cat wants to go with her master and jumps really high onto Pilgrim Heavy Boot's large face, scratching it up.

Pilgrim Elegant Glass quickly grabs some lotus potion and puts it in Pilgrim Heavy Boot's mouth to help heal the scratches internally.

Pilgrim Elegant Glass quickly grabs some lotus potion and puts it in Pilgrim Heavy's Boot's mouth to eat to heal the scratches internally

Pilgrim Elegant Glass accidentally knocks Melanie's spicy gingersnap cookies into the whale's stomach, causing it to spew slimy goo all over her while it suffers gastric distress.


Pilgrim Loquacious Candy crumbles some peppery candy by the whale's nose, making it sneeze out the house and planet.

Pilgrim Heavy Boot removes the left boot from the blow hole and warns the whale not to eat any more inhabited worlds.

Pilgrim Elegant Glass eventually cleans the slimy goo from her clothes and apologizes to Melanie about stomping on her cookies.

New Names

Pilgrim Clumsy Glass gets in trouble by stepping on things and helps people by thinking clearly. (Jenn)
World Destiny: 2
Temple Destiny: 2

Pilgrim Loquacious Cookie gets in trouble by talking too much, and helps people using his wide variety of baked goods.
World Destiny: 1
Temple Destiny: 3

Pilgrim Bouncing Boot gets in trouble by being knocked around a lot and helps people with his indestructible boots.
World Destiny: 2
Temple Destiny: 2


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