[Do] "Worlds Collide"

by Colin Fredericks

This is a letter for use in playing Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple.

To the Monks of the Temple in the Center of the Sky,

My deepest apologies for this letter, but our need is great.

I am Yotta, assistant to the Great Sages of Juku, may the sun grace them always. Our beautiful desert world is home to many fierce and colorful tribes, who have made their homes in the vast sandy wastes that cover our planet.

The Great Sages have long observed the sweep of the planets through the sky. We have always been near to the water planet of Ishita; indeed, this is whence comes our rain, on the rare occasion that rain falls on Juku. Our worlds grow closer and farther apart as the gravities of other worlds exert their influence.

Recently Ishita's orbit has become disturbed by the influence of the massive world Rova. The Great Sages, may their words uplift us all, have calculated that Rova will pull Ishita directly into us on its next pass. Ishita's coming will be a deluge the likes of which our arid clime has never known, to say nothing of the Phloerals who live on Ishita. However, the Great Sages, whose wisdom sparkles like the sands, say that the orbits of the worlds are the Will of Nature and command us not to interfere. They seek to teach us the meaning and power of acceptance.

I write this letter of my own, against the wishes of the Great Sages. We do not know where to turn. Even if it were allowed, we have no means to shift an entire planet from its course. Our way of life faces an utter upheaval that I cannot bring myself to accept. Please, we need your help.

--Yotta, assistant to the Great Sages

Goal Words
“Desert Planet”
“Great Sages of Juku”
“Great Sages of Juku”
“Water Planet”
“Water Planet”
“Water Planet”
“Will of Nature”


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