[Do] Sunday Afternoon Group - Episode 1

Actual Play of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple
This is a story created by playing Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple.

The Pilgrims

Pilgrim Reaching Book gets into trouble by overestimating what he can do and helps people by knowing stuff. (Written by Anders)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

Pilgrim Wooden Bell gets in trouble by being stiff and helps people by warning of danger. (Written by Daniel)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

Pilgrim Tattered Card gets into trouble by looking like someone unsavory and helps people by taking chances. (Written by Marc)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

Pilgrim Fancy Tablet gets in trouble by being too elaborate and helps people by making them feel better. (Written by Nolan)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

The Letter

"Swallowed Whole" by Ben Lehman

The Story

Upon arriving at the whale, Pilgrim Reaching book recalls whales are allergic to grass, and attempts to make the whale sneeze.

The whale inhales sharply, sucking in Pilgrim Reaching Book and sneezes, causing the world to be stuck in its blowhole.

The whale inhales sharply, sucking in Pilgrim Reaching Book and sneezes, causing the world to be stuck in its blowhole.

Pilgrim Wooden Bell tries to get through the blowhole, but gets herself stuck on some trees.

Pilgrim Wooden Bell calls the remaining pilgrims to pull her out of the branches.

Pilgrim Tattered Card dives into the mouth of the whale, finding Reaching Book and leading him to Melanie's house on the planet.

After helping Wooden Bell get down from the trees, the Pilgrims find Melanie sobbing hysterically so Fancy Tablet does his best to console her.

Fancy Tablet manages to make Melanie feel better, but her crying makes him inconsolably sad himself.

Looking around inside the whale, Reaching Book realizes the whale ate Melanie's world because he doesn't have enough sky plankton to eat.

Pilgrim Wooden Bell warns the pilgrims about sky whalers chasing the whale out of its usual habitat AND THEY'RE RIGHT OUTSIDE!

The whalers respond by throwing a net over the meddlesome Pilgrims, but only Pilgrim Wooden Bell is too slow to get out of the way.

Pilgrim Tattered Card thinks that the sky whalers might like some of Melanie's cookies, and offers them some if they'll let the pilgrims and the whale go.

Unfortunately, the whalers like Pilgrim Tattered Card so much that they decide to make him part of their crew!

Pilgrim Fancy Tablet, seeing an opportunity to make up an elaborate plan, forgets all about being sad and starts plotting against the whalers.

Pilgrim Reaching Book remembers seeing the knots for the net in a book somewhere, and extricates Wooden Bell.

Pilgrim Reaching Book knows the knots quite well, but underestimates how heavy the ropes are and becomes buried beneath them.

Pilgrim Wooden Bell calls the cat to play with the ropes, freeing Pilgrim Reaching Book.

The cat gets so frenzied by playing with the ropes that he tries to eat Pilgrim Wooden Bell.

Tattered Card explains to the whalers that he is a Pilgrim, not a Pirate, and convinces them to take them all back to the Temple in their sky boat.

When they arrive at the temple, they find the gates barred, and angry-looking monks glaring down at Tattered Card, whom they think has become a pirate.

Pilgrim Fancy Tablet yells out their story to the monks, calming them down enough to convince them to open the gates.

Pilgrim Fancy Tablet's fancy cloak is caught on the prow of the pirate ship, making it seem like he's leading the pirates as they storm the temple.


With another handful of grass, Pilgrim Reaching Book provokes another colossal sneeze from the whale, sending Melanie's little planet hurtling into the whalers' boat.

Pilgrim Wooden Bell lures the cat onto the whaling ship to scare off the whalers away from the temple.

Their ship smashed to flinders by Melanie's planet, Pilgrim Tattered Card leads the remaining whalers back into the Temple, where they give up whaling and become Pilgrims themselves.

As the monks gather the Pilgrims together for a hearing, Melanie arrives, overjoyed with all the help the Pilgrims gave which gives the monks no choice but praise them for a job well done.

New Names

Pilgrim Reaching Guidebook gets into trouble by overestimating his abilities and helps people by knowing about the plants and animals.
World Destiny: 2
Temple Destiny: 5

Pilgrim Clumsy Bell gets into trouble by being clumsy and helps people by warning them of danger.
World Destiny: 5
Temple Destiny: 1

Pilgrim Friendly Card gets into trouble by talking to people he shouldn't and helps people by taking chances.
World Destiny: 4
Temple Destiny: 3

Pilgrim Fancy Voice gets in trouble by being too elaborate and helps people by talking.
World Destiny: 1
Temple Destiny: 4


Shane was supposed to be in this group, but he couldn't make it so Anders filled in. This was my first time gaming on Skype, but it went fairly smoothly. I handled all the stone-management and kept a live ustream vid for any visual references. When goal words were used, I just striked them on the letter's page. The players all seemed to like getting their pilgrims in trouble a lot, but only once or twice skipped the opportunity to use a goal word.


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