[Embargo] App for Android Beta (0.8)

» Download: Embargo.apk

Embargo is a strategic board game of breaking barriers. Move your pieces any distance horizontally or vertically. If two pieces share the same row or column, a wall is formed between them that no pieces can pass through. Your goal is to get all your pieces to your opponent's corner. See complete rules here.

Now Embargo is available for Android phones! This is version 0.8. Consider it an open playable beta. Two players can play by passing the phone back and forth. Hit the 'back' button to undo your last move. It undoes one move only. Online multiplayer and vs AI will come in a later version.

This app comes to you thanks to Mark Sherry. You may recognize Mark Sherry from the credits in Happy Birthday, Robot! He was very generous with his math/programming skills during HBR's development and that generosity continues here. Thanks so much, Mark!

Here's a QR code for your camera phone:



  1. Do you have an Android? We're getting reports of some compatibility issues in 1.6 even though it was tested on a 1.5.

    Also, I have no idea what that means. Mark is the programmery guy. :P


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