[Do] Sunday Night Group - Episode 1

Actual Play of Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple
This is a story created by playing Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple.

The Pilgrims

Pilgrim Green Goggles gets into trouble by being inexperienced and helps people by seeing things clearly. (Written by Anders)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

Pilgrim Rolling Glass gets into trouble by being clumsy and helps people by being honest. (Written by David)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

Pilgrim Yellow Balloon gets into trouble by being afraid and helps people by celebrating. (Written by Jamie)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 0

The Letter

"Swallowed Whole" by Ben Lehman

The Story

As they travel toward Melanie and the whale, Pilgrim Green Goggles notices how few moons there are for whales to eat.

But while looking around at the sky, he flies straight down the gullet of the whale!

Pilgrim Rolling Glass asks the whale to open his mouth, and the whale says, "OOOOKAAAAYYYYY!" just long enough for Green Goggles to fly out.

As Green Goggles flies out, Yellow Balloon flies in - and he lifts Melanie’s spirits by giving her a balloon and dancing with her.

Once he's clear of the whale's mouth, Green Goggles points out a bunch of tasty moons, so he won't have to eat Melanie's planet again.

The inhabitants of the moons hear what Green Goggles has said about them and come out of their houses, enraged, and say, "No! Don't eat us."

Rolling Glass attempts to explain the situation to the moons' inhabitants, but his analogy comparing the moons to cookies only makes them madder.

Pilgrim Yellow Balloon throws a party on the whale, inviting all the inhabitants of the moons to come, and they have such a good time they forget their anger with Pilgrim Rolling Glass.

During the party, Green Goggles sees his chance and sneaks away.

Pilgrim Rolling Glass once again asks the whale to open his mouth and let Melanie and her cat out, so the whale replies with a gigantinormous yawn.

Melanie and the cat fly out and are safe, but Melanie is upset that Pilgrim Rolling Glass didn't save her precious trees.

Pilgrim Yellow Balloon makes Melanie happy by giving her another balloon.


With all the moons' inhabitants living on the back of the whale now, the whale has plenty of food for years to come.

Melanie learns to forgive Rolling Glass, and eventually becomes his good friend.

After all, they are now Flying Temple Pilgrims together.

New Names

Pilgrim Hesitant Goggles gets into trouble by having a hard time deciding what to do and helps people by seeing things clearly. (Anders)
World Destiny: 4
Temple Destiny: 3

Pilgrim Rolling Star gets into trouble by being clumsy and helps people by guiding them to new ideas. (David)
World Destiny: 0
Temple Destiny: 5

Pilgrim Yellow Moon gets in trouble by being afraid and helps people by shining light on their problems. (Jamie)
World Destiny: 3
Temple Destiny: 6


Jamie was really aggressive about keeping all those stones! Fortunately, the group managed to use all the goal words before that point. This was Anders regularly scheduled game, but because he also sat in on the afternoon group, he already had a sense of how the game plays out. David actually Skyped in all the way from China!


  1. That was my daughter's bedtime story last night. She approves. So, wait, keeping the stones was bad strategy?

  2. Well, it depends on your goals. If you want to get the Parades ending, you may have to choose a smaller set so you can buy more time to use all the goal words. The other letters have around 20 while "Swallowed Whole" has 10.

    Glad your daughter enjoyed it!


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