Free Font: Marain Script

Here's a new free font for you to install: Marain Script. It's my first one! I'll be using it in Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple.

I used a web service called Fontifier, so the quality works best at small sizes. At large sizes, you see the slight pixelated corners the web service creates. At small sizes, those pixelated corners just look like a grainy texture that fits an alphabet written by a brush. Hey, happy accidents!

The letterforms are based on the Marain alphabet, from Iain M. Banks' "Culture" novels. In those novels, the spacefaring Culture use the Marain alphabet because each character is unique and can be read in any rotation. That seemed to make sense for use in Do, since the monks and pilgrims are not bound by gravity either.

» Download MarainScript.tff Creative Commons License
Marain Script by Daniel Solis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

» More about Marain
» More about the Culture novels
» More about Fontifier


  1. Pretty cool! Nice to see how you did it, too.

  2. Thanks! I realize the video is a bit long, but hopefully people watch 'til the end to see how the font can be rotated and so forth.

  3. I really like this, Daniel. What's the music?


  4. The music is by Yasunori Mitsuda from Xenogears OST, titled "Bonds Of Sea And Fire."

  5. I really like this, Daniel. What's the music?


  6. Pretty cool! Nice to see how you did it, too.

  7. The music is by Yasunori Mitsuda from Xenogears OST, titled "Bonds Of Sea And Fire."

  8. Daniel,

    Just used your font for these images, detailing some of the species from the Culture book 'Matter'.



  9. Finally i can write my culture name properly :3

  10. Your marain font looks fantastic! I'd like to know, what tool did you use to create it (the font), how long did it take you, and what tool(s) did you use to make the video?

  11. I set up the vectors in a defunct program called Freehand. Most sensible folks use Illustrator these days. Took about two hours to do the whole set. Used screencast-o-matic to record the process and iMovie to speed it up.

  12. Thanks for sharing this useful article!


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